June 28, 2011

Trade the Calories, Not the Taste

Call me crazy but, I like celery.

I like the crunchy texture and I like that I can use it to substitute for bread or chips. I also like that it has very few calories and helps keep the intestinal tract moving. And it's very inexpensive.

It can be used in place of onion in recipes.

Use it instead of high-calorie tortilla chips when dipping salsa. It's packed with veggies. You can eat as much of this as you like and still not pack on the calories. Yum!

Use it instead of bread with the same sweet salty flavor to make the always fun Ants on a Log snack with peanut butter and raisins. It's high in protein, get a fruit serving and lots of flavor.

Make a sweet sweet snack with PB-free Ants on a Snowy Log using cream cheese and raisins. You'll get a serving of calcium-rich diary, protein, and a serving of fruit too. Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too?!

I like to use it to dip my chicken cheeseball with instead of high-calorie crackers. Use it to dip tuna fish too. Oh, the possibilities!

Does anyone else like celery?

1 comment:

Leah said...


Thanks for the ideas for using celery. :-)
