October 4, 2010

A Giveaway!

Sometimes, I get frustrated listening to Christian radio. Does that ever happen to you? You hear, what seems like, the same songs over and over and you have to deconstruct the text in order to be somewhat edified by it or worship through it. Then after about 30 minutes you get mentally and spiritually tired of working so hard that you just shut it off and go with silence.

The contemporary Christian music (CCM) on the radio is entertaining, but not really edifying. We get into the beat and bump along. We like the soaring strings and the wailing guitars. We like to make our voices sound like the artist and even use our hairbrushes or cell phones for microphones. :-) But are such songs appropriate for corporate worship? A song is only as good as the theology it reveals in its lyrics. The power behind the song is in the words, not the rhythm, not the melody, not the harmony, not the "strings that make you cry," and not the voice of the artist.

As believers we are commanded to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. How many congregations sing the Psalms? Are there psalters available in our pews? Are our song sets filled with rich texts on which we can meditate on the vastness of God?

Great songs and hymns are Biblical. They use Biblical language, are not sensual, nor are they vague. An example of sensual language would be, "I'm so in love with you." Yes, there are times when our affection for God just soars and we cannot adequately put into words what we are trying to express -- but let's just try and find something specific for God, not something we say to our boyfriend, fiance or spouse.

Biblical language and phrases call the Scriptures to remembrance and cause us to go searching for them and their context. For instance,

Speak, O Lord as we come to You
To receive the food of Your holy Word. (Matt 4:4)
Take Your truth, plant it deep in us. (Jer 31:33)
Shape and fashion us in Your likeness (Rom 12:2, 2 Cor 3:18)
That the light of Christ might be seen today (2 Cor 4:4)
In our acts of love and our deeds of faith. (1 Thess 1:3)
Words of power that can never fail. (Josh 23:14, Is 55:11)
Let their truth prevail over unbelief.

Great hymns and songs also communicate and teach Truth, help our memory, encourage, edify, and focus on God and His attributes.

Do you choose to listen to great hymns and songs?

Well, here's your chance! In honor of this, my 500th post, I'm hosting a giveaway! I'm excited to give away some of these great hymns older and more modern in two CD's. The first is the album, In Christ Alone, by Keith and Kristyn Getty. These are modern hymns and most of them we sing in our church. This CD is like the best hits of the Getty/Townend combo. The second CD is from Sovereign Grace Ministries headed by Bob Kauflin. The Upward album features several older hymns rich in encouragement and edification with a modern, up-to-date sound! The Songs for the Cross Centered Life album is awesome too! You can choose between the Upward album or the Songs for the Cross Centered Life album if you win. Anyone, anywhere can enter except my Mom or Jeramy -- even you closet readers.

To enter my giveaway you can:

  1. Post a comment and tell me which Sovereign Grace album you want if you win.
  2. Post about this giveaway on your blog and give me the link in a comment.
  3. Write about a great hymn or song with the Scripture references and how it impacts you (either in a blog post or in a comment on this post) -- no limits. :-) You get one entry per song or hymn you submit.

This giveaway contest is open through Friday 15 October. Then I will randomly select a winner. Not luck but God's providence to you.

Yay! Spread the good Christian music!!


The Culbertsons said...

I would like the cd "The Songs for The Cross Centered Life," if I were to win. The Getty cd is fabulous!

Leah said...

Enter me!!! All of those CD's sound wonderful, but I would most like "Upward". I can not wait to see who wins! What a fun giveaway...

Congratulations on your 500th post!


Leah said...

I posted about it!


And after some more thought I might like to win the 'Songs for the cross centered life' more the upward. It's hard to decide... :-)

Thanks for having this giveaway!


Erin said...

I also enjoy the "Songs for the Cross Centered Life" album! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Victoria said...

Hi, I just found your blog and so far I like it!! :) I would like the CD "In Christ Alone" if I win.

My blog is www.victoriasgirlygirlcorner.blogspot.com

Victoria said...

I love the Song I'll Fly Away

The Roses said...

I would love to win the Getty CD.

Abby said...

I would love to win! I think I like the Upward album best.

Abby :D

Muddled Mama said...

Hi Meggan,
If in God's providence if I win, I would like to have the "In Christ Alone" album. We have been struggling around here to find some good Christian music that I can tolerate.


Muddled Mama said...

I posted about it on our blog:
