August 6, 2010

God's Grace on a Tuesday

Last Tuesday, Mom planned to drive back up to Virginia for one more visit before beginning work at her new job. All the preparations were made and she set out early in the morning. As she was driving up the highway, not more than 50 miles, she began to feel dizzy and noticed some kind of visible fumes coming out of her air conditioning vents. She also realized that she had been following a carbon monoxide truck for quite some time.

After turning the A/C off and opening the windows, she decided that she needed to pull over when she could no longer read the writing on the road signs. She pulled off at an exit near Jefferson into a Waffle House parking lot. After resting a few minutes in the car she realized that her condition was not improving and she needed an ambulance. She was able to step out of the vehicle and enter the Waffle House before collapsing on the floor with a fully conscious seizure.

The employees called an ambulance which came and took her to the hospital. We met her in the ER and she appeared, in all respects, to be normal. The EMT personnel did not give her any medication and she seemed to recover on her own. After only a few hours of collecting blood work and performing other tests, the ER discharged her and we took her home.

The next day the mechanic found nothing wrong with her vehicle and concluded that it was safe to drive. The day after, Friday, Mom's follow-up appointment with the doctor indicated that her episode was consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning and should not produce any long-term side effects.

Praise the Lord!

So many other things could have happened! This situation could have ended much, much worse than it did! God's grace is great and amazing! We know that He still has some work for my Mom to do, more time to learn, be sanctified and to glorify our God in heaven! He is sovereign, even if the circumstances were drastically different. Let us trust in Him.

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

James 4:13-15

1 comment:

The Roses said...

Praise God! All turned out well.