February 10, 2010

Getting Ready

Tomorrow the girls are going down and meeting Grandma Jane in Macon for a few days in Statesboro! We're all a little excited! They will probably be worn out on Saturday when they come back. Moriah really loves her Grandma Jane and Granddaddy Dennis. I'll miss taking pictures, but I know they'll have a great time together and with Uncle Stephen. They also plan to visit Great Grandmama Gladys who is recovering from a knee replacement.

As for Jeramy, he's getting ready to drive them down and get back to another week of work and cooking some ribs and greens. Mmm, yummy.

And for me, I'm getting ready to say good-bye to nausea and hello to 29. I really hope that my stomach can return back to normal and I can welcome back our normal healthy regimen of food. My Mom is treating me to a professional massage and I'll have a couple days to relax, read and do some sewing, besides my normal workouts at the gym and worrying about my girls while they're away.

Friday I will be 13 weeks. My belly has really grown a lot this week and today I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. :-) Everything is going well apart from an antibody present in my blood work, which will probably clear up soon. The OB Doctor is really pleased thus far and so am I. :-)

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