April 12, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience
I'm thankful for:

356. The immeasurable greatness of God's power at work in me. Click here.
357. An earlier than expected visit from my Mother-in-Law.
358. The joy of watching my girls play with new toys.
359. Watching Moriah feed and share with Lily.
360. A run without shin-splints.
361. Tupperware for my kitchen! (i.e. organization)
362. More and more use of my right hand after surgery.
363. An opportunity to go back home to VA.
364. Beautiful sunny skies and warmer weather.
365. The grace to press on when discouraged.

What are you thankful for today?

I enjoy reading your lists of gratitude. Click on Multitude Mondays in the left sidebar to see the rest of my list and maybe consider joining the Gratitude Community at Holy Experience.

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