June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Let me say that my husband Jeramy is a wonderful father to our little girls!  He is really involved in physically caring for them and he is affectionate in showing love to them.  He willingly changes the cloth diapers!  He takes them for strolls through the park.  He takes Moriah to meet the ducks and geese.  He takes them to run errands.  He feeds Moriah.  He bathes them, clothes them and even brushes Moriah's hair, which is no easy task!  He stays home with them while I go exercise.

Jeramy is also proactive in teaching Moriah!  He has purchased some flash cards with the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, rhyming words and objects that go together, like Dog and Bone, for example.  Sometimes he'll even teach her some words in Spanish.  

He plays well too.  He'll chase Moriah around, let her jump on the couch and make faces at Lily.  He is much more physically playful with them than I am, as much as Moriah actually sits in one place (which she doesn't :-).  And when he's around, he takes the initiative in discipline when needed.

Jeramy is such a wonderful father.  He is not a dead beat dad by any means.  He is the father figure I prayed that my children would have - one that would be involved physically and emotionally, taking an interest in all facets of their lives.  His example will show them what quality of man to look for in a husband (he's affectionate to me too :-D) and because of his involvement, the likelihood of our daughters going off in left field is dramatically reduced (statistically).  I have so much joy when I watch him interact with them, I cannot begin to describe the depths of gratitude I have toward God for giving me such a wonderful, Christ-like husband and father for our children.

Happy Father's Day, Honey!
I love you very much.

1 comment:

Apologist & Theologian said...

Man seeks to glorify himself in even the most hidden ways, and this is especially true in parent-child relationships.