May 20, 2010

AIG Materials for Our Homeschool

Here are a few materials that Jeramy purchased to add to our homeschooling collection. More than a year ago (around the time Moriah was 12 months) he bought some flash cards of numbers, letters, picture words and direction words. We've also been showing the girls some of the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum DVD collection: Life and Dinosaurs & Dragon Legends. The girls will sit the entire 30 minutes for the Life DVD oftentimes without stirring from their chairs. They love watching all the pictures of animals, people and the outdoors.

The books, A is for Adam and D is for Dinosaur, are more than just rhyming alphabet books that give children a Biblical perspective, it's also a more thorough resource material as the children get older. There are pages that direct Bible school lessons and xerox pages that they can color. The Creation Bible has a CD of music by Buddy Davis that sings through the entire book in about 7 minutes! Dinosaurs, Genesis & The Gospel is a good resource where Ken Ham is giving an interactive talk with Buddy Davis to children from 5 to 12 year olds. The girls have really enjoyed this new set of materials and hopefully they are learning a lot.

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