July 19, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience

Bring my soul out of prison,
So that I may give thanks to Your name;
The righteous will surround me,
For You will deal bountifully with me.
Psalm 142:7

Reasons to be thankful:

476. Four more weeks of potentially uninterrupted nighttime sleep before the baby comes.
477. No pain or discomfort in my swollen feet/ankles.
478. The swelling has decreased over night.
479. Willing little people who pick up things off of the floor.
480. A husband who doesn't complain about bathing our children.
481. Complete contentment in the atoning sacrifice of Christ no matter the current life circumstances.
482. After 13 months my Mother FINALLY has a job!
483. The opportunity as a black woman to vote.
484. Mandates from God's Word that tell me what to think about. Ps 143:5, Ps 145:5, Phil 4:8
485. That I'm not the only parent with whining, disobedient toddlers.

What are you thankful for?

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